5 Essential Reasons to Take the Upcoming Fundamental Course Series in 2020

The Engaging Vitality (EV) training helps practitioners of East Asian medicine learn how to enhance their ability to directly perceive and make clinically effective use of qi in their practice. Now that registration has opened for the upcoming Fundamental Course Series, here are five essential reasons to take this upcoming training opportunity in 2020.

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Bob Quinn on EV

In EV as I understand it and practice it, we are in the business of elevating our perceptual abilities, so that these perceptions might lead us to a generally quite minimalistic treatment that will help our patients. Using the techniques of EV assessment I find myself quite often treating at points and on channels that normal discursive thought never would have led me to. I love this about EV, that it surprises me. I see it as a method of getting the patient's body to speak to me with specificity. And it is surprisingly effective—and fun and exciting and challenging.

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