Why study EV? by Kailey Brennan

Here is an excerpt of a wonderful letter Kailey sent for EV in 2017, describing what we do. 

Engaging Vitality is a acupuncture and palpation workshop developed and taught by Dan Bensky, Chip Chace, and Marguerite Dinkins. In addition to being longstanding practitioners of Traditional East Asian Medicine, the instructors have extensive training and expertise in osteopathic palpation methods, including visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapy. Engaging Vitality is the product of their many years of deep engagement, study, and practice of these various traditions. 

I believe Engaging Vitality has something very unique and valuable to offer to acupuncturists. Beyond the ability to improve diagnostic skills and and grow in clinical competency, Engaging Vitality teaches a way for the fundamental concepts of East Asian medicine to come to life in our hands. It is also a chance to study with and learn from three very generous and encouraging high level practitioners with a deep respect and appreciation for this incredible medicine we get to practice. And on top of all that, it’s a lot of fun. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail and I hope to see you in Boulder this fall. 

All the best,

Kailey Brennan L.Ac. Denver, Colorado