Filtering by: Course - Module II

Fundamentals Module II: Berlin, Germany
to Mar 20

Fundamentals Module II: Berlin, Germany

  • 16 Weichselstraße Berlin, BE, 10247 Germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Module II: 19-20 March 2022

Listening skills you'll learn in Module 2:

Global listening: After being exposed to Local Listening, now learn to feel the least open place from a global perspective. A quick way to get you to the least open place where you can start the conversation with your patient's presentation in the present moment. Global Listening will take you to Local Listening in seconds. It'll help you bypass the apparent conceptual contradictions by taking you to the place where Qi's flow is restricted and disturbed. 
Channel listening: Learn to feel the channels as a whole, start exploring their qualities and the experience of openness or blockage.
Channel Listening Selection: Learn to feel the connection among a local listening and a singular channel, identify the distinct hallmark and work with this information to get to a profound and gentle resolution.
Refine Needling: Learn to accurately locate the point and the depth of insertion by refining the quality of your contact and attention.

This class is sequential. 
Requirements: Module I
Trainers: Marguerite Dinkins (USA)

WHERE: Praxis in der Weichselstr. 16, 10247 Berlin, Klingelnummer 37, HH Ergeschoss rechts

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Fundamental Module II: Amersfoort, Netherlands
to Mar 13

Fundamental Module II: Amersfoort, Netherlands

  • Berghotel, Utrechtseweg 225, 3818 EG AMRESFOORT NETHERLANDS (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Module II, participants learn to practice assessing the qi by assessing diagnostic changes in the body's motions, rhythms, discrete temperature changes, and areas of restriction. These EV methods are the diagnostic assessments of this palpatory approach.

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