1-2 April 2023 Munich - Germany
Review class to refresh your knowledge about the Ba Mai palpation references already learned in Module 3 of our Basic Training, especially the Morphology felt on the Fluid Body.
If you want to have some more practice to further imprint in the hands the references for each vessel, and maybe also connect them a bit more to the theoretical background that explains their dynamics, this review class is for you!
Topics covered during the Ba Mai Review:
Revisiting basic Morphology felt on the Fluid Body
Basics of Ba Mai physiology and pathodynamics
Integration of Ba Mai findings in the context of other Engaging Vitality listenings (Local Listening, Yang Rhythm, Visceral, etc.) and the general development of the treatment
Needling in the context of the Ba Mai listening
[Depending on the group] revisiting Ba Mai Inherent Movement.
Requirements: Basic Training -recommended but not mandatory: Ba Mai palpation class
Instructor: Rayén Antón
Table trainers: depending on the size of the group
Days of training: 2